Coping With Normal Changes Of Aging |
Health does not simply mean the absence of disease. Health occurs when people function at their optimum at each stage of the life cycle. In order to achieve health, firstly, you must be aware of risks which may adversely affect your health and then adjust your lifestyle to cope up with it. Secondly, you must adjust to the losses and changes that occur in your life, and then adapt your lifestyle and habits to your present capabilities. This is the core of prevention.
There are two sides to staying well: prevention of illness and promotion of well-being. One of the first remedies of defense against a serious illness is preventive health care through medical check-ups. A check-up can give you an accurate appraisal of your health and aid in determining where attention is needed. It is the first essential step to planning a programme of physical activity and is necessary for early detection of illness. Following are some common health problems. The symptoms are listed below to alert you to see your physician at the earliest. Early detection makes treatment more successful.
- Diabetes— Increased urination, increased thirst, increased appetite, fatigue, poor healing, blurred vision, weight loss.
- Hypertension— Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, irritability.
- Heart disease— Fatigue, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, swelling of extremities.
- Cancer— Weight loss, cough, change in a mole, change in bowel movements, lump in breast. It is advisable for men and women to be annually checked for colorectal cancer as well as for women to have a yearly pap smear for cervical cancer.
- Depression— Difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, fatigue, sadness.
Other preventive check-ups include dental, eye, and aural examination. Regular dental visits are essential in the detection of decay or problems involving the wear and tear of the tooth structure. Early detection minimizes the damage, and something as simple as a change in diet or correct brushing techniques may provide a solution. In addition, gum diseases as well as denture care and use should be discussed at the dental visit. The dental visit should include tests for detection of cancer as well as education for self-examination. The average age of a person with oral cancer is 60, with 90% of oral cancers occurring in people over the age of 40. Finally, there are more than 120 specific diseases that manifest symptoms in the mouth. Early detection of such diseases is important for early treatment and better results.
Eye examinations are important not only for detecting visual changes, but also for determining if there is any underlying disease. Glaucoma is a curable illness which can damage your vision if not detected at an early stage. Other problems which doctors try to detect are cataracts, retinopathy and macular degeneration. If you notice any blurring, fuzziness, waviness, or spots in your vision, have it checked.
Some hearing loss is common, especially in men. Sometimes, however, it can occur because of build-up of wax which can be removed easily by the physician. At other times, hearing may improve by medical treatment or with the use of appliances like hearing aid.
Consultations with the medical community and having routine examinations done is an important part of healthy life. There are many other steps that you can take to promote your well-being, including exercise and recreation, proper nutrition, stress management, home safety measures, safe use of medications, promotion of healthy relationships, sleep, diverse activities, healthy solitude, meaningful work, good social relationships and spiritual development. These are very important and demand attention because the degenerative conditions commonly attributed to aging have much to do with poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress.
Finally, mental stimulation is an important part of any plan to promote well-being. Stay as socially active as possible. There may be change in the activities or in the availability of your friends, but friendships and social contacts are important. Volunteer activities, groups, family contacts, phone call and reaching out to others who have needs are all important steps to say active and alert. Often a child or young adult in the neighborhood could benefit from your friendship as much as you from theirs. Stimulate your mind through reading, travel whenever possible, and even take some educational courses if possible.
Many universities offer classes to seniors free of charge. Perhaps you could learn something you never had the time for when you were busy making a living and raising children. Finally, be flexible in your thinking. If you are open to feedback, it is possible to learn from others. With age comes a lot of wisdom from years of experience, but there is always more to learn.
There are many creams and types of makeup that are sold as age-controlling substances. Undoubtedly, good skin care that consists of a mild cleanser, skin toner, and a moisturizing cream may provide protection against dryness and pollution.
Cosmetic surgery has become an alternative for many people who wish to mask the effects of aging. There are many qualified plastic surgeons who can repair drooping eyelids, remove facial wrinkles, remove pads of fat, transplant hair, and reshape eyes, noses, or various other body parts. If you are thinking about having cosmetic surgery, remember —
- Be sure the surgeon is certified and qualified, check with your local medical society.
- Medical insurance does not pay for cosmetic surgery and the procedures are usually costly.
- The procedures may take some years off your appearance, but do not expect miracles.
- Like most surgery, the procedures are painful and require a period of recuperation.
If you feel that, inspite of the negative aspects, it is important enough to you and your well-being to have surgery, perhaps then it would be a healthy step for you. In determining whether it is a viable option, consider the following questions: Would it enhance your self-esteem? Would a change in your appearance help you to accept who you are or would it only support the myth that growing old is bad and to be avoided?
Healthy people of all ages are those who deal effectively with both familiar and unfamiliar situations in their lives. Keep in mind that successful coping with each change gives one confidence in meeting future challenges. |