Experience with thousands of cardiac rehabilitation patients over 55 as well as many research projects involving older persons documents the physical benefits from a regular, aerobic, low intensity exercise programme. Aerobic exercise is an activity that uses a large number of muscles in a rhythmic movement. One clear result from the research is that people who burn up the maximum calories over a given period of time are at a significantly lower risk of dying from a heart attack.
A regular exercise aerobic programme will increase your maximum oxygen uptake and, in turn, will cause your heart to beat slower and with greater output than under strain. Your circulation, respiration, and muscle condition also improve with exercise. All this allows your body to use oxygen more efficiently. If older people can improve their aerobic power by 20%, they can stay independent for atleast 8 to 10 years more.
What are the results of a regular aerobic exercise programme? Blood sugar levels are better maintained, muscle coordination improves, low density lipids (bad cholesterol) decrease and high density lipids (good cholesterol) increase. You will become leaner, your digestion will be stimulated, and elimination may become more regular. Your posture will improve with better muscle tone. You will feel more energetic, more flexible and relaxed. Your hormones will be stimulated, including the sex hormone, which, along with better general fitness may give you a more fulfilling sex life. All these benefits will have a positive impact on disease prevention as well as minimizing and delaying the effects of natural aging process.
If you experience the physical benefits of exercise, you will also get positive, mental and emotional benefits. Your sense of control, self-confidence and self-discipline will be enhanced. Your self-image will improve. Exercise stimulates the brain and causes it to secrete endorphins, the natural painkillers that produce a lift in the mood. Your brain also produces a larger amount of neurotransmitters, the lubricants of the brain's chemical reactions. In other words, your brain functions more efficiently. This means less depression, less anxiety and better concentration.
Find a friend to join you while you exercise so you do not get bored and stop doing it. Long walks and talks with a fellow exerciser could lead to an enduring friendship.
Before you begin or safely continue an aerobic or low intensity exercise programme you should get a complete physical examination, as well as an exercise stress test if your doctor suggests one. This may seem excessively cautious, but it is the only safe way to rule out potential problems. After you have been cleared by your doctor, decide which components of physical fitness you want to work on and lay out a plan suited to your needs.